About Our School

Welcome to Enchanted Hills Elementary!

Regular Office Hours - Bell Schedule
Monday-Friday - 9:20am-3:50pm

EHE - Student Handbook
EHE Grade Level Information/Supply Lists 
*Kindergarten teachers will purchase supplies for families for a fee of $30.

Ongoing Fundraisers

PTO: EHE PTO is phenomenal! Visit their web page for a list of current and year-round PTO fundraisers!

Inclement Weather
When the weather is poor, the RRPS Website and our local news outlets will have the most current information regarding school closures and delays. EHE's abbreviated schedule is 11:00am-4:00pm, even on Wednesdays. If severe weather conditions materialize during the school day, an early dismissal will be announced via the phone notification system, web and local news outlets. **SAFE before school programs will be canceled on late arrival days. Two Hour Delay Schedule & Inclement Weather Dismissal Information

EHE's Visitation Policy
A primary goal of Enchanted Hills is to make certain our students are safe. All visitors and volunteers who are approved on the registration card are required to sign in and leave their license in the front office, plus wear their badge visible at all times. We also ask anyone visiting our building to stay within the area they designated with the office when signing in. For safety reasons, parents or visitors are not to escort children to class in the morning or pick them up from their classrooms at the end of the day. Visitors are not allowed to go with children to the playground area. Thank you for helping us ensure student safety!


5400 Obregon Blvd. Rio Rancho, NM 87144

Phone: (505) 891-8526
Fax: (505) 892-9809
Geographic Area Served: River’s Edge I and II, Unit 17, High Range

School Profile

EHE School Building

Mascot: Mustang
Colors: Turquoise and Black
Grade Levels Served:K-5 with special programs
Founded: 1990, by the Jemez Valley School District; major addition completed in 2006

School Goals:

  • All students will demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing and math as defined by the state standards.

  • Improve parent and community involvement.

  • Meet the needs and expectations of student segments through academics and other offerings.

  • Use Baldrige methodology to improve student achievement.

School Programs:

After-school tutoring, Mustang Chorus, Martial Arts for Education, Young Marines, Student Mediation, Student Leadership, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Basketball (sponsored through various organizations), Basketball Camp, Band, Literacy/Reading Clubs, Counseling Classes, Banana Splits (for children of divorced parents), Grief Counseling, Friendship, Anger Management

Staff Profile:
Jennifer Bartley, Principal
Steven Herrera, Assistant Principal

Employees: 77
Teachers: 46
Instructional Support Staff: 20
Non-Instructional Support Staff: 11

Student Profile:

Enrollment: 723 (October 2022)
Percent Special Education: 19.2%
Percent English Language Learners:  5.6%

Ethnicity/Race: The percentages for each category are rounded up or down to the nearest .1 which may cause the total to slightly exceed or be below 100%. In addition, families of mixed-race heritage may now also designate their child as being of more than one race. This may cause the percentages to add up to a number that is other than 100%.   

African-American: 3.2%
American Indian: 3.9%
Asian: 1.1%
Caucasian (non-Hispanic): 33.0%
Hispanic: 58.5%
Pacific Islander: 0.3%
Unclassified/Unknown: 0.0%